About my Work

My recent interview with Niten Mehta of TAD Arts..


# What is your current work about?
My work mostly revolves around my memories and my surroundings. I have always been influenced with what I see on a day to day basis and that forms the main content of my work.

# What are your preoccupations about?
Mostly related to human interaction with their surroundings and the relationship of humans with the world around and vice versa .

# What are you trying to communicate with the visual language you are using?
My idea is to get a reaction from the viewer, of "I have seen this, I have been there". My focus remains at building a personal connect of my work with the viewer. Something where my artworks take the viewer back into a memory of their own.

# Is there anything special about your work that you want to highlight?
My works are personal, but they still tell a story that anyone or everyone can relate to. 

# Can you give us 5-10 lines about your technique & materials?
I move around the city of Delhi (and also many other cities that impart the ‘feel’ of an India in transition) and capture images from those places which had made an impression on my mind during my growing up years. These photographs act as primary sketches for me. In artistic terms I call them drawings. Considering them as starting point for further alterations and manipulations i approach my Canvas. Using the traditional techniques taught at all Art schools, i create. I use Acrylics on a fine cotton canvas.

# How do you see yourself in the Indian art scenario?
I represent the youth of today. I see myself representing the young minds of today, both in terms of current art scenario as well as the socio political aspects of our society. 

(coming soon)

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